Why did Rey kiss Ben in Star Wars? The Emotional Moment

Why did Rey kiss Ben in Star Wars?

The Star Wars story showed a very special moment near its end. This moment was between Rey and Ben Solo. Many fans asked what it meant.

Daisy Ridley, who played Rey, said the kiss was not about love. She said it was more like saying goodbye. They had faced many challenges together.

Ridley explained that Kylo Ren finally chose the good side. This was a very emotional time for them both. It showed the journey they had been on together.

The kiss symbolized a strong and deep connection. It was more about their special link through the Force. This bond was key in the Star Wars story.

Key Takeaways

  • The kiss was a way to say goodbye, not an ending of a love story.
  • Daisy Ridley, who was Rey, explained it showed the end of their fight together.
  • This special connection was a big part of the Star Wars story.
  • It was an important part of bringing peace to the Force.
  • Their connection and choices had a big impact on the Star Wars story.

Understanding the Force Dyad Connection

Rey and Ben Solo (also known as Kylo Ren) shared a unique bond called a Force dyad. This deep connection affected their stories in the Star Wars movies greatly.

What is a Force Dyad?

In the Star Wars world, a Force dyad is when two people are deeply connected by the Force. This bond is very strong, letting them share feelings and thoughts. It’s a connection that goes beyond the light and dark sides of the Force.

The Unique Bond Between Rey and Ben Solo

Rey and Ben Solo had a very special Force dyad. They could feel each other’s presence and even talk from far away. This deep bond helped and complicated their relationship, showing the power and balance of the Force paths.

How the Dyad Shaped Their Relationship

The Force dyad deeply affected Rey and Ben’s story. It let them see each other’s good and bad sides clearly. This connection played a big part in the battle to save the galaxy from Emperor Palpatine.

The Redemption Arc of Ben Solo

Ben Solo changed from Kylo Ren to Ben Solo in the Star Wars movies. He left the First Order to join the good side. He saved Rey and helped the Force find balance again.

From Kylo Ren to Ben Solo

Ben Solo, once Kylo Ren, was a key story in the movies. Changing into Ben was important. He tried to fix his wrongs from the Kylo Ren days.

Turning to the Light Side

Ben had to choose between good and bad. Rey’s help was very important. He left the dark side to be Ben Solo again.

Sacrificing Himself for Rey

Ben gave up his life to save Rey. It balanced the Force. This showed his connection to the good side.

Rey’s Journey and the Skywalker Legacy

In the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Rey’s journey stands out. She searched for her place in the Skywalker saga. Even as a strong Force-sensitive person with no family, Rey had questions about her past. Her adventure of self-discovery changed the Force and the Jedi’s future.

Rey’s Struggle with Her Identity

Rey wanted to know where she came from and how she’s linked to the Skywalkers. She was alone since she was young, with no family. This made her very determined to find out her history. It pushed her to face tough decisions and her fears.

Embracing the Skywalker Name

Her connection with Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) helped her see the Skywalker name’s true meaning. Rey accepted the Skywalker name after many challenges. This showed she was part of the galaxy. It also respected the past Jedi.

Skywalker Legacy

By taking the Skywalker name, Rey showed she would keep the Jedi’s legacy alive. It showed her growth and strength in understanding her place. This choice was a big step forward for the Star Wars story.

Balancing the Force: Light and Dark

The balance between light and dark in the Force was key in Star Wars. The sequel trilogy kept exploring this. Rey and Ben Solo, known as Kylo Ren, shared a special Force dyad connection. They fought against the dark side to bring balance back to the Force.

The Skywalker legacy continued through them. Ben’s return to the light was very important. It helped keep a balance between good and evil. Rey and Ben’s strong bond helped them on this path. They understood each other and worked to bring the balance of the Force back.

People talked a lot about the Reylo fan theories. They hoped for a love story between Rey and Ben. But, their story was more than that. It was about bringing light and dark back in balance. Their heroic sacrifice meant a lot. It ended the Skywalker saga and saved the galaxy.

The Emotional Intimacy Between Rey and Ben

Rey and Ben Solo, or Kylo Ren, shared a deep connection in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

They faced tough times together and understood each other’s pain. This made their bond strong. It helped bring balance to the Force.

Their Shared Trials and Tribulations

Rey and Ben shared many challenges. They fought together, from Starkiller Base to the battle with Emperor Palpatine. Their stories were deeply connected through light and dark.

Understanding Each Other’s Pain

The Force dyad linked Rey and Ben Solo. They both felt each other’s pain. This understanding led Ben to choose the light side and make a great sacrifice.

The Unbreakable Bond Forged

The connection Rey and Ben built was special. It was based on facing tough times and deep understanding. Despite debates, their bond was strong and key in restoring the balance of the Force.

Why did Rey kiss Ben in Star Wars?

In “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” Rey and Ben Solo shared a special moment. Daisy Ridley, who played Rey, said it was a goodbye kiss, not a romantic one.

A Farewell Kiss

The kiss was about ending their hard journey together. Rey was saying goodbye to someone who was first her enemy but later helped her.

This goodbye marked the end of their unique friendship and alliance.

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

It was a very sad goodbye for Rey. Ben Solo went from being against her to standing by her side. This dramatic scene expressed deep feelings of loss and change.

Closure and Acceptance

The kiss showed Rey accepting someone who had changed. It was a key moment showing how complex their connection was. Their story ended on a note of deep understanding and loss.

Force dyad connection

The Reylo Fan Theories

Fans talk a lot about Rey and Ben Solo. They think there’s something romantic between them. But Daisy Ridley says the final kiss was more about saying goodbye. It was not about love.

Exploring the Romantic Interpretations

Many Star Wars fans think Rey and Ben could have been a couple. They point to their deep connection and special bond. They believe their story could turn into a romance.

Debunking the Myths

Daisy Ridley sees the scene differently. She says the kiss meant goodbye, not love. The story shows how Rey and Ben’s special link affected the whole Star Wars world.

Daisy Ridley’s view on the kiss is important. She says it was a touching farewell. Their deep connection and shared journey mean a lot. Their story is still very interesting and deep.

The Emotional Impact of the Scene

The final kiss between Rey and Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) meant a lot. It was big for both the characters and us watching. Daisy Ridley, who played Rey, shared that the scene was emotionally deep for her. She saw it as a goodbye to her Star Wars role.

Daisy Ridley’s Perspective

Ridley shared why the kiss was so important. For her, it wasn’t just a romantic moment. It was a goodbye and a fitting end to Rey and Ben’s hard journey. She felt the kiss was something they both deserved.

The Farewell to a Beloved Character

Saying goodbye to Ben Solo was a big deal. He had a tough journey towards redemption. This made the moment heavy and meaningful for fans. It marked the end of a key part in the Star Wars story and a new balance in the Force.


The kiss between Rey and Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) was very emotional. It showed the deep, special bond they have through the Force dyad connection. This kiss was more of a goodbye than romantic. Daisy Ridley’s thoughts help us understand its true meaning. It marked the end of their hard journey and brought balance in the Force.

This moment had a big emotional impact. It made the end of the Star Wars sequel trilogy very powerful. We say goodbye to Rey and Ben Solo, feeling we know the Skywalker legacy and the redemption arc better. It showed the deep feelings they had for each other too.

The kiss was a strong message about balance between light and dark. It also touched on the Reylo fan theories. Star Wars has been very important to fans all over the world. We will always remember this special moment shared with Rey and Ben Solo. They will always be in our hearts and memories.


Why did Rey kiss Ben in Star Wars?

Daisy Ridley, who played Rey, said the kiss was a goodbye. They had faced many challenges together. The kiss showed the end of their hard journey.

What is a Force Dyad?

A Force dyad is a strong link between two people strong in the Force. It’s like they share the same heart. Rey and Kylo Ren had this special connection.

How did the Force Dyad shape the relationship between Rey and Ben Solo?

This bond let Rey and Kylo Ren really understand each other. They used this connection to fight a big enemy. It helped bring balance to the Force.

How did Ben Solo’s journey from the dark side to the light side impact the story?

Ben Solo’s change from dark to light was very important. He helped defeat a great evil and saved Rey. This brought balance to the Force.

How did Rey’s journey reflect the Skywalker legacy?

Rey searched for her place in the story of the Skywalkers. Finally, she chose to take their name. This showed her important role in the story.

How did the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force play a role in the story?

Keeping the Force in balance was key in the movies. Rey and Kylo Ren, as a dyad, brought this balance. They fought to make things right again.

What was the emotional intimacy between Rey and Ben Solo like?

Rey and Kylo Ren shared a very deep bond. They supported and understood each other. This connection was vital in the battle against evil.

Why was the kiss between Rey and Ben Solo significant?

The kiss showed their deep connection and the end of their story. It was more about friendship and saying goodbye than romance. It was a powerful moment in the movie.

Were the “Reylo” fan theories about a romantic connection correct?

Fans had many ideas about Rey and Kylo Ren’s relationship. But Daisy Ridley said the kiss was not a romance. It was a heartfelt goodbye.

What was the emotional impact of the final kiss between Rey and Ben Solo?

The kiss was a very moving moment. It meant a lot to the characters and fans. It was a touching farewell to both characters in the story.
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