Who Killed Kylo Ren in Star Wars? The Shocking Truth

Who killed Kylo Ren in Star Wars?

The Star Wars world is full of mystery about Kylo Ren. His real name was Ben Solo. The fate of this dark side hero has always interested fans.

As the Skywalker saga ends, the question “Who killed Kylo Ren?” is key. His story goes from a hopeful apprentice to a First Order warlord. It’s a tale of betrayal, fighting, and hope for change.

Key Takeaways

  • Kylo Ren, born Ben Solo, was a complex and tragic character in the Star Wars universe.
  • The question of who killed Kylo Ren is central to the plot of the final Skywalker saga film, “The Rise of Skywalker”.
  • Kylo Ren’s journey from a promising Jedi apprentice to a warlord for the First Order is a captivating and emotional arc.
  • The possibility of Kylo Ren’s redemption as Ben Solo is a key theme in the final chapter of the Skywalker saga.
  • The shocking truth behind Kylo Ren’s fate and the resolution of the Skywalker legacy is a must-read for Star Wars fans.

The Rise and Fall of Ben Solo

Ben Solo was the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. He trained to be a Jedi under Luke Skywalker. But he was tempted by the dark side and became Kylo Ren. He destroyed the Jedi Temple, which made Luke go into hiding. Kylo Ren then joined the First Order and followed Snoke.

Kylo Ren’s Dark Path

Ben Solo’s choice to join the dark side was a big hit for the Jedi. He destroyed everything at Luke’s Jedi Temple. This not only broke Luke’s dreams but also made Kylo Ren a destructive force.

Apprentice to Luke Skywalker

Becoming a Jedi apprentice, Ben Solo was very skilled. He learned a lot under Luke Skywalker. But when the First Order grew, Ben turned to the dark side. He went against Luke, his own teacher.

Destruction of the Jedi Temple

Ben Solo destroyed Luke’s Jedi Temple. This was a huge loss for the Jedi. Luke was left heartbroken and went into hiding. With him gone, the dark side thrived through Kylo Ren and the First Order.

Kylo Ren’s Quest for Power

Once, Kylo Ren was Ben Solo, a Jedi in training. But he turned to the dark side, becoming a leader in the First Order under Supreme Leader Snoke.”> Snoke warned Kylo that a big test awaited him in a meeting with his father, Han Solo.”>

Servant of Supreme Leader Snoke

Kylo Ren wanted power badly. He did horrible things for the First Order.”> Following every order from Snoke, his reputation grew as the First Order’s strongest enforcer.

Confronting the Awakening in the Force

The Force’s awakening caused great trouble for Kylo Ren.”> Facing his father, Han Solo, was a serious trial. This test showed how dedicated he was to the dark side and the First Order’s goals.

The Shocking Truth Behind Luke and Kylo

The story about Luke’s Jedi Temple and Kylo Ren’s fall to the dark side is confusing. Kylo says Luke tried to kill him first. This made Kylo fight back and ruin the Temple.

Luke’s Fleeting Moment of Weakness

Luke says he thought about killing Kylo because he felt darkness in him. But, Luke didn’t do it. This choice had a big effect on everything that happened.

Kylo Ren’s Twisted Perspective

Kylo Ren thinks Luke really wanted to kill him. He believes this idea made him turn to the dark side and ruin the Temple. Kylo was supposed to help build that Temple.

The Battle of Starkiller Base

Kylo Ren wanted more power and found it at Starkiller Base. In a big fight, he caught Rey. He hoped she would join him, making him even stronger.

Capturing the Scavenger Rey

Kylo Ren chose Rey to be on his side. He felt she was special and needed her power. In a fierce fight, he took Rey down. He wanted to make her like him, and show he was very strong.

Han Solo’s Tragic Demise

But, Kylo had a hard choice with his father, Han Solo. A tough moment came when Kylo hurt Han. This made Kylo feel bad, not strong like he thought he would.

The Battle of Starkiller Base

Who Killed Kylo Ren in Star Wars?

The Ben Solo as Kylo Ren story is key in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Many events and people come together. They decide where Kylo Ren, now Ben Solo, goes next.

We see Kylo Ren’s tough choice between dark and light throughout the movie. He fights with his past and hopes for a future. Viewers wonder, will he choose evil or good?

“The question of who killed Kylo Ren is a central part of the final Skywalker saga film, The Rise of Skywalker.”

The movie shows big moments in Kylo Ren’s life. It makes us think about his end. Will he change for the good or face a bad end?

Following Kylo Ren‘s path to his end is touching and strong. It ends the Skywalker saga in a big way.

The Pivotal Duel with Rey

In a thrilling turn of events, unfolded on the battle-scarred landscape. Kylo Ren, once a bright Jedi apprentice, faced the powerful dark side warrior, Rey. She surprised him by showing a strong Force connection.

Kylo’s Defeat and Redemption Begins

Their lightsabers clashed, and Kylo Ren’s was surprising. Even with his dark side skills, Rey’s power was too strong. She stood ready, about to win the duel.

But, Rey chose not to finish him off. This act started process. Kylo felt pulled between the dark and light sides. He was confused, his identity shaken to the core.

The Conflicted Supreme Leader

After Supreme Leader Snoke died, Kylo Ren took over. He became the First Order’s new head. Yet, his journey to power was not easy. He faced a big inner fight. Besides, he felt close to the light side of the Force. This was thanks to his tie with Rey, the strong scavenger.

Unable to Fire on Leia Organa

The First Order attacked the Resistance. Kylo Ren couldn’t shoot his mom, Leia Organa. Memories of being Ben Solo hit him hard. He stopped from wiping out the Resistance. This moment made Kylo doubt his dark path even more.

The Force Connection with Rey

Kylo and Rey shared a special Force link. This bond made his struggle even harder. Despite fighting, Kylo felt himself drawn to light through Rey. This special link was crucial for Kylo’s path to change.

As the First Order’s Leader, Kylo felt torn. He couldn’t harm Leia and felt linked to Rey. This dangerous mix threatened his Sith beliefs and power. It was a tough battle for Kylo between darkness and light.

Betrayal and Power on the Supremacy

On the Supremacy, Kylo Ren did something big. He killed Snoke, his boss, out of nowhere. He showed his power by doing this, taking a major step in leading the First Order.

Killing Supreme Leader Snoke

When Kylo took out Snoke, it changed everything. He decided he didn’t want to be under someone’s thumb. Instead, he chose to be in charge. This was a strong sign of Kylo going all in for the dark side.

Rey’s Refusal to Join Kylo

After becoming very powerful, Kylo asked Rey to team up with him. But she said no. She chose to fight for the light with the Resistance. This showed Kylo that maybe there was another way, a chance for him to change.

Kylo Ren's betrayal of Snoke

Confrontation on Crait

In the planet Crait, Kylo Ren attacked the Resistance’s base hard. But, he was surprised to see Luke Skywalker there, who he thought was gone for good.

Luke’s Force Projection

Luke Skywalker faced Kylo Ren with his lightsaber drawn. But, Kylo soon saw that Luke was far away. He was using the Force to appear as if he was there.

The Resistance Escapes

With Kylo Ren busy with Luke, the Resistance, led by Leia Organa, got away. This escape was a win for the Resistance. It annoyed Kylo Ren and helped them fight another day.

Palpatine’s Machinations

Kylo Ren faced a big threat to his rule in the First Order. The return of Emperor Palpatine made things more complicated. Palpatine offered Kylo Ren control over the galaxy in exchange for Rey‘s destruction. He also revealed he had been steering Kylo Ren for a long time.

The Sith Armada on Exegol

On the secret planet Exegol, a huge Sith Armada was found. This fleet was under Palpatine’s control, hidden from everyone. He planned to use this fleet to gain power and end the Jedi.

Rey’s Shocking Lineage Revealed

Surprisingly, Rey was Palpatine’s granddaughter. This family link shook the story’s relationships and loyalties. It also made Rey’s fight against the Sith Lord more complex and personal.

The Final Battle

As the galaxy’s fate hung in balance, Kylo Ren and Rey faced off. They met at the Death Star’s ruins on Kef Bir’s ocean moon. It was their last fight. Leia tried to reach Kylo, which led to her death.

Ben Solo’s Redemption and Sacrifice

Rey used her lightsaber on Kylo in a key moment. Then, she saved him with the Force. A changed Kylo, as Ben Solo, joined Rey to defeat Emperor Palpatine on Exegol. He sacrificed himself to save Rey.


Kylo Ren’s journey from a bright apprentice to a dark villain is now complete. The last Skywalker movie, The Rise of Skywalker, ties up all loose ends. It reveals the truth of Kylo Ren’s end and the former warrior’s fate. This storyline has touched the hearts of fans everywhere.

Remembering Kylo Ren’s rise to become Ben Solo shows Star Wars’ impact. In a heroic moment, Ben Solo gives his life to save Rey. His action brings balance to the Force. This marks the end of the war between light and dark in the Skywalker saga. The saga’s characters and stories will be treasured forever.

Ben Solo’s story teaches us about redemption and choosing the right path. The victory of light over darkness is a powerful lesson. The end of the Skywalker saga is also the end of a great story. This story has shown us many things about life and the search for balance.


Who killed Kylo Ren in Star Wars?

The movie reveals that Kylo Ren dies in a big fight. His whole story is dark and sad. From a young boy, he turns into a bad guy, then back to good at the end. His journey is touching and ends the Skywalker story strongly.

What was Kylo Ren’s dark path?

Kylo Ren started as Ben Solo, learning from Luke Skywalker. But he chose the dark path. He became a powerful figure for the First Order. He tried to kill the light within him, like Luke and his father, Han Solo.

What led to the destruction of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Temple?

Luke’s Jedi Temple was once a peaceful place. A big event turned it dark. Kylo Ren burned it down after a fight with Luke. This event played a big role in the story.Did Luke really try to kill Kylo? Kylo says so. But Luke just felt scared of the darkness he saw in Kylo. Their story shows not everything is as it seems.

How did Kylo Ren become a servant of Supreme Leader Snoke?

Under Snoke, Kylo Ren became powerful. Snoke sensed a strong force awakening. Kylo had to struggle with dark thoughts. He even killed his own father to show loyalty to Snoke.

What happened during the Battle of Starkiller Base?

Kylo’s big moment was at Starkiller Base. He faced his father, Han Solo. It was a hard moment for him. Killing his father didn’t make him stronger, but weaker inside.

How did Kylo Ren’s duel with Rey unfold?

Rey and Kylo had a big fight. Rey won, but spared Kylo’s life. This changed Kylo. He felt more lost than ever. The light within him started to shine through.

How did Kylo Ren’s role as Supreme Leader of the First Order unfold?

After Snoke’s death, Kylo became the leader. But his heart was not fully dark. He couldn’t hurt his mother. His bond with Rey grew stronger, making his path unclear.

What led to Kylo Ren’s betrayal of Supreme Leader Snoke?

On the ship Supremacy, Kylo faced a big choice. He killed Snoke and asked Rey to join him. She said no, siding with the Resistance. This moment showed Kylo’s chance for good.

What happened during Kylo Ren’s confrontation with Luke Skywalker on Crait?

On Crait, Kylo thought he found Luke for real. But Luke was just a trick, buying time for his friends to escape. This moment shocked Kylo.

How did Palpatine’s return impact Kylo Ren?

Emperor Palpatine’s return shook things up. He wanted Kylo to kill Rey for power. But Rey was his family, revealing a deeper story. This twist changed everything.

How did Kylo Ren’s final confrontation with Rey unfold?

The story ends on Kef Bir. Ben faces Rey, but Leia’s love stops him. He turns back to Ben, saving Rey. They fight Palpatine together. In the end, Ben chooses the light, becoming a hero.
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