What Star Wars Stories are Still Canon? The Definitive Guide

What Star Wars stories are still canon?

If you love the Star Wars world, you know it includes many movies, TV shows, books, and more. But, starting in 2012 with Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, the official Star Wars stories changed. This major shake-up made fans wonder, what Star Wars stories are still considered canon? In this guide, we’ll look at what’s official in the Star Wars world. We’ll talk about the different times, stories, and where to find them in the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Key Takeaways

  • Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 led to a restructuring of the Star Wars canon, with most previous expanded universe content designated as “Star Wars Legends.”
  • The current Star Wars canon includes all films, TV shows, novels, comics, and other media published after the Disney acquisition, as overseen by the Lucasfilm Story Group.
  • Navigating the Star Wars canon can be complex, with options to experience content in release order, chronological order, or by specific eras and timelines.
  • The Star Wars canon continues to expand, with new films, TV shows, books, and games on the horizon, offering fans even more opportunities to immerse themselves in the galaxy.
  • Understanding the different categories of canonical content and the various reading/viewing orders can help fans fully explore the rich storytelling of the Star Wars universe.

Introduction to Star Wars Canon

For many years, the Star Wars world has amazed people. It has many stories in films, TV, books, and comics. In 2012, Disney started a new journey with Lucasfilm.

They wanted to make the Star Wars story clear and connected for fans to enjoy. This new story is the official canon. It’s part of the main Star Wars universe.

Defining Canon and Legends

After Disney took over, they called most old Star Wars stories “Legends.” These stories are not part of the new official Star Wars story. The new stories, made after 2014, are the real adventures in the Star Wars universe.

Disney’s Acquisition and Restructuring

Before Disney, Star Wars had lots of books, games, and more. But, it got too hard to keep track of everything. So, Disney made the stories clear and simple.

They started looking after all the new Star Wars tales. This way, the Star Wars world is a steady, united place. Fans can enjoy its adventures without confusion.

Every Canon Star Wars Film

Disney’s ownership has kept the Star Wars movies as the heart of the series. It includes all the nine Skywalker saga movies. From the famous A New Hope in 1977 to The Rise of Skywalker in 2019. This also counts the standalone stories like Rogue One and Solo. Plus, the loved show The Clone Wars fits in.

Most fans see the films in their release order. But, others like watching them in story order. This makes the Star Wars world even more amazing. No matter how you watch, these films are loved all over the world. They are true masterpieces of the far-off galaxy.

Every Canon Star Wars TV Show

The Star Wars galaxy has grown a lot on TV, offering many shows for fans. There are live-action series exploring old characters and new animated series going to new places. These stories are now a big part of Star Wars.

Live-Action Canon Star Wars TV Shows

You can watch most of the Star Wars TV shows on Disney+, the streaming service. There, you’ll find shows like The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and more. These shows bring new and old characters to life, making the Star Wars world even bigger.

Animated Canon Star Wars TV Shows

Animated shows have added a lot too, starting with The Clone Wars. They include Rebels, Resistance, and others. Soon, we’ll see Tales of the Jedi and Young Jedi Adventures. These shows make the Star Wars universe richer, connecting to the movies and other stories.

Star Wars TV shows canon

Every Canon Star Wars Video Game

Video games let us get into the Star Wars world in fun new ways. The list of Star Wars video games is not as big as other media. But the games in the canon give us cool ways to learn more about the Star Wars universe.

Some famous Star Wars video games are Battlefront 2, Vader Immortal, Jedi: Fallen Order, and Squadrons. These games let us go to well-known places. And we get to meet famous characters too. But cool thing is, we get to make choices that can change the story.

In Jedi: Fallen Order, players become Cal Kestis. He’s a young Jedi learning the ways of the Force. In Squadrons, we fly starfighters in space and fight. These games give us new looks into Star Wars history.

We can’t wait for the next big game, Jedi: Survivor. It will let us have more fun adventures in the Star Wars world. Video games are more than just fun. They help us love Star Wars even more. This is something that fans of all ages enjoy.

Canonical Star Wars Video Games Release Year Key Features
Battlefront 2 2017 Multiplayer shooter featuring both classic and new characters, vehicles, and locations
Vader Immortal 2019-2020 VR experience that allows players to wield a lightsaber and encounter Darth Vader
Jedi: Fallen Order 2019 Action-adventure game that follows the story of a young Jedi Padawan on the run from the Empire
Squadrons 2020 Multiplayer space combat game that lets players pilot starfighters for the New Republic or the Imperial Remnant
Jedi: Survivor Upcoming Sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, continuing the story of Cal Kestis and the Jedi’s struggle against the Empire

What Star Wars Stories are Still Canon?

Since Disney got Star Wars, books have grown the story. These include books for adults, teens, and kids. They tell new tales about well-known and new characters.

Some top novels are A New Dawn, Thrawn, and Aftermath. Plus, there’s the High Republic series. It’s about Jedi 200 years before the Skywalker saga.

Adult Novels

Adult novels are for grown-ups who love Star Wars. They have deep stories and lots of character details. Some books like Tarkin and the Thrawn trilogy are very popular.

Young Adult Novels

Books for young adults are great for teens. But, even adults find them interesting. Favorites are Leia: Princess of Alderaan and Master & Apprentice.

Junior Reader Novels

For the youngest fans, there are junior novels. These have easy words and fun stories. They also have key Star Wars facts. For example, there’s the Adventures in Wild Space series.

The High Republic Saga

The High Republic is a whole new Star Wars era. It takes place 200 years before known stories. This time, Jedi are super strong, and the Republic faces big challenges.

This new phase has books for every age group. So, whether you’re an adult or a kid, there’s something to enjoy. Each wave brings new stories and adventures.

Every Canon Star Wars Comic

Star Wars comics have a big impact on the new canon. They offer many ongoing, limited, and miniseries titles. You can explore different times, from the Age of Republic to the Age of Resistance.

Age of Republic/Resistance Comics

The comic series for the Age of Republic and Age of Resistance are special. They take you to key points in Star Wars history. You get to see the famous characters and their big battles.

Ongoing Comic Series

There are also many ongoing Star Wars comics. These keep adding to the Star Wars universe. Some focus on the Star Wars main story, while others look at the Jedi Order’s past.

Limited Comic Series

Star Wars has comics that are not ongoing, too. These look closely at certain characters or stories. There are stories about Darth Vader, Lando, and the High Republic, all with amazing tales and art.

If you love Star Wars or want to start, the comics are perfect. They add more to the movies, TV shows, and other stories. You’ll be part of a big, connected Star Wars world.

Every Canon Star Wars Audio Drama

Star Wars now has stories in audio dramas. They let us hear about the galaxy far, far away in exciting new ways. These shows make the official Star Wars tales more fun and real.

The High Republic: Tempest Runner talks about the era of the High Republic. It tells stories of many people and their fights during that important time. And The Mandalorian audio drama tells more about the Mandalorian character, Din Djarin. It shares more about his adventures beyond what you see on Disney+.

The audio dramas are made very well. They have great actors, cool sounds, and good stories. This makes listening to them a unique and fun experience. They are also part of the big Star Wars story.

More of these great audio dramas are coming. They will help us love and understand the Star Wars world even better. So, whether you love Star Wars for a long time or are just starting, these shows are a great way to get into it.

Every Canon Star Wars Short Story

In the Star Wars universe, the canon goes beyond movies and TV shows. We’re excited about the many short stories in the Star Wars world. These short tales let us learn more about our favorite characters and see new parts of the story.

Stories like From a Certain Point of View add to the big Star Wars story. We get to know more about famous characters like Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader. Plus, we meet new people in the Star Wars galaxy.

Short Story Collection Notable Inclusions Release Year
From a Certain Point of View
  • “The Sith of Datawork” (Darth Vader)
  • “Master and Apprentice” (Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi)
  • “Verge of Greatness” (Grand Moff Tarkin)
The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition
  • “The Final Order” (Palpatine and Kylo Ren)
  • “The Lost Tribe of the Sith” (Darth Krayt)
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance
  • “A Coruscant Solstice” (Yoda)
  • “Star Wars: Tempest Runner” (Lourna Dee)

These stories help us know our favorite characters even better. They also show important moments in Star Wars. We can’t wait to see more short stories that add to our Star Wars love.

Upcoming Canon Star Wars Content

The Star Wars world is getting bigger with many new things coming. We’re excited to see what’s next in this famous galaxy. It’s a thrilling time for fans.

There are new shows like Ahsoka, The Acolyte, and Skeleton Crew coming to Disney+. They will show us new stories and characters. You might also see some familiar friends from Star Wars.

Also, the game Jedi: Survivor will tell us more about Cal Kestis and the Jedi Order. It’s a story that happens after the bad day of Order 66.

In books and comics, the High Republic story will grow. This is a time 200 years before the Skywalkers. We will learn about the Jedi when they were very powerful. They worked hard to keep peace in the galaxy.

upcoming canon star wars content

The Star Wars future looks very bright with all this new content. We can’t wait to see the amazing stories to come. May the Force be with us all!

Navigating the Star Wars Timeline

In the Star Wars canon, fans choose how to explore stories. They can pick release order or chronological order. Each way helps us learn different things about the official Star Wars timeline.

Release Order vs Chronological Order

Watching Star Wars content in release order follows how things came out. This means films, TV shows, books, and more in the order they were first seen. It shows the Star Wars galaxy as it grew, like the franchise itself.

Chronological order tells the stories as they happen in the big timeline. That’s even if they didn’t come out that way. It makes the Star Wars universe feel more connected and easy to follow. You get to understand the stories and characters more this way.

Era-Based Reading Orders

Some Star Wars fans like to read by era-based reading orders. They group stories by when they happened, like the High Republic or the Reign of the Empire. This way, readers dive deep into one era of the Star Wars galaxy. They understand the special struggles, characters, and events better.

How we explore Star Wars canon is up to each of us. It’s great to pick our own way, whether that’s by release, time order, or era. The vast and captivating world of Star Wars is there, waiting for us. It’s ready for us to dive in and find out what we love the most.


Since Disney bought Lucasfilm, the Star Wars world has grown a lot. It now has many more movies, TV shows, books, comics, and other fun things. It’s a big, exciting place to explore.

If you’re just starting or already love Star Wars, there’s always more to see. You can follow the Skywalker story or join the new adventures. Star Wars is always growing, giving us new tales to enjoy.

Looking ahead, there’s a lot to be excited about. New movies and shows will add to the Star Wars universe. So, let’s keep enjoying these amazing stories and characters. They inspire fans all around the world.


What is the current Star Wars canon?

Since 2012, Disney has made the Star Wars canon clearer. Most of the older stories are now “Star Wars Legends”. The current canon includes movies, TV shows, books, and comics.

What Star Wars movies are considered canon?

The true Star Wars movies are the main nine films about the Skywalkers. They start with A New Hope in 1977 and range to The Rise of Skywalker in 2019. Also included are Rogue One, Solo, and The Clone Wars from 2008.

What Star Wars TV shows are considered canon?

On Disney+, you’ll find many canon Star Wars shows. This includes both live-action and animated series like The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars, and the new Jedi Adventures.Movies like Rogue One and Solo also add to the canon.

What Star Wars video games are considered canon?

Some important Star Wars games are considered part of the canon. These include Battlefront 2 and Jedi: Fallen Order. The story continues with Squadrons and the upcoming Jedi: Survivor game.

What Star Wars novels are considered canon?

There are many canon Star Wars novels out there. They’re for adults, teens, and even younger readers. Some of the well-known ones are A New Dawn, Thrawn, Aftermath, and books from the High Republic stories.

What Star Wars comics are considered canon?

In the current canon, you’ll find various Star Wars comics. These include series like Doctor Aphra and Lando. They also cover the High Republic, like Darth Vader and other limited series.

What Star Wars audio dramas are considered canon?

Two Star Wars audio dramas are part of the canon. These are The High Republic: Tempest Runner and The Mandalorian.

How can I navigate the Star Wars canon timeline?

Star Wars fans can dive into the canon in different ways. Whether by release date, story time period, or Star Wars era. This helps readers explore their favorite parts of the Star Wars universe.
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