Is The Last Jedi Canon? Star Wars Canon Explained

Is The Last Jedi canon?

The Star Wars world is huge, including movies, shows, books, comics, and games. When The Last Jedi came out in 2017, people wondered if it fits in with other Star Wars stories. They asked, is The Last Jedi canon? Or does it tell a story from a different place? Let’s look into the big world of Star Wars canon and find the answer.

Key Takeaways

  • The Star Wars canon has changed over time. The main films are the most important. The other stuff is different levels of important.
  • The Last Jedi is true in the Star Wars world. It fits with stories and characters from the earlier movies.
  • In 2012, Disney got Star Wars. Before that, there were many stories called the Expanded Universe. Now, they are “Legends.” New canon got made. It’s more simple.
  • The Star Wars story includes films, shows, books, comics, and some games. They all have to follow the main story shown in the films.
  • The Star Wars world keeps growing. The ideas of what is part of the story might change. But, the main idea of Star Wars stays the same.

Defining “Canon” in the Star Wars Universe

The word “canon” means the main stories in Star Wars. At first, only George Lucas’s movies were the true story. They made up the heart of what Star Wars was about. The rest, like books and comics, made up their own stories that were not always part of George Lucas’s world.

The Holocron Database and Canon Hierarchy

In 2000, Lucasfilms started to keep track of everything in Star Wars. They named this the “Holocron.” It showed what parts of the story were most important. George Lucas’s movies are at the top. Below that are stories from books and other stuff. This system helps make sure all Star Wars stories fit together well.

Official Definition of Canon by Lucasfilm

Lucasfilms’ bosses often talked about what’s really part of Star Wars. They said, in the 1990s, that only the films and some other things really count. Later, everyone agreed that George Lucas’s movies are the only true story. Everything else is like an extra story, not the main one.

Is The Last Jedi Canon?

The release of The Last Jedi in 2017 started a big talk. Some fans wonder if it really fits in the Star Wars world. The Last Jedi is the eighth part of the Skywalker story. It connects directly to the earlier films. This makes it part of the official Star Wars story.

But, the movie got mixed reviews. Some think its new ideas don’t quite match Star Wars. This makes its place in the Star Wars story a bit tricky for some people to understand.

“The Last Jedi is an important addition to the Star Wars canon, but it has certainly divided the fan base in ways that previous films haven’t. While it continues the Skywalker story, some of its bold creative decisions have been met with controversy.”

To really know where The Last Jedi stands, let’s look at how the Star Wars story has grown. We have different levels to show what’s part of the main story and what’s not.

Film Canonical Status
Original Trilogy Core Canon
Prequel Trilogy Core Canon
Sequel Trilogy Core Canon
Anthology Films (Rogue One, Solo) Core Canon
Expanded Universe (Legends) Non-Canon

Knowing about the Star Wars canon helps us see where The Last Jedi fits. It’s part of a big story set in a far away galaxy.

Star Wars Films and Their Canonical Status

In the Star Wars universe, films are key. They make the base of the whole canon. This includes trilogies and other official films.

The Original and Prequel Trilogies

The original trilogy (

A New Hope


The Empire Strikes Back

, and

Return of the Jedi

) is very important. These three films by George Lucas tell the basic story. All new Star Wars stories follow what these movies say.

The Sequel Trilogy

The sequel trilogy (

The Force Awakens


The Last Jedi

, and

The Rise of Skywalker

) is a big part of Star Wars. Disney made these films. They keep telling the story of the Skywalkers.

Anthology Films: Rogue One and Solo

Also, Rogue One and Solo are important. They’re not directly about the Skywalkers. But they help build the bigger Star Wars world and story.

Star Wars TV Shows and Their Canonical Standing

There are many Star Wars TV series to watch. It’s good to know if they are part of the main story. These stories add a lot to the big Star Wars tale.

The Clone Wars and Rebels

The Clone Wars and Rebels are very important. They give us more about Star Wars characters and stories. These shows make the Star Wars world even bigger.

The Mandalorian and Other Live-Action Series

The Mandalorian and others are real Star Wars stories. They fit with the Star Wars movies. These shows make the Star Wars universe grow for everyone to enjoy.

Upcoming Star Wars TV Shows

Soon, we will get more Star Wars TV series. The Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, and Young Jedi Adventures are some of them. These new shows will be part of Star Wars just like the others. There will be so many more stories to love.

Star Wars TV shows

The Expanded Universe: Legends vs. Canon Novels and Comics

Before Disney took over Lucasfilm in 2012, there was a big world of Star Wars stories. It included novels, comics, and more. This world was not always the same as the movies but still important. In 2014, this area was named “Legends.” Even though it’s not the main story now, some parts of it are still used today.

Legends and Their Influence on Canon

In the new stories that are official, some old pieces are still there. These could include characters or big stories from the old days. Lucasfilm picks what can fit well with today’s Star Wars. They make sure new and old stories make sense together. This way, fans get to enjoy parts of the old stories in a new way.

Canon Novels and Comics

After 2014, new books and comics were made that fit with the movies. These are important parts of the official Star Wars story. For example, the Thrawn books are well-liked. Also, the High Republic tales are getting a lot of attention. Many comics are linking up with all of this. So, the Star Wars story just keeps getting bigger and more exciting.

Video Games in the Star Wars Canon

Many people love Star Wars video games. Some are now part of the official Star Wars stories. Two such games are Battlefront II and Jedi: Fallen Order.

Battlefront II and Jedi: Fallen Order

In 2017, Battlefront II came out. Its story is set right after the original trilogy. You play as Iden Versio, dealing with the Empire’s fall and the Republic’s rise.

Jedi: Fallen Order is also special. It’s from 2019 and it’s a single-player game. You become Cal Kestis, a Jedi who escaped Order 66. The game adds a lot to the Star Wars saga.

Upcoming Star Wars Video Games

More Star Wars games are coming. Lucasfilm is working on these new games. A sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order is in the making. It will continue Cal Kestis’ story and the Jedi’s journey. These new games will keep the Star Wars universe alive and fun for fans.

Star Wars video games

Disney’s Acquisition of Lucasfilm and the Canon Reset

In 2012, Disney bought Lucasfilm and changed Star Wars stories. They made a new plan for what stories are true. This new plan uses only movies, TV, and some other stories.

Reasons Behind the Canon Reset

They changed things to have more freedom in telling new stories. By starting fresh, they could make one big, clear story. This story fits what they think Star Wars should be.

Integrating Elements from Legends into Canon

Even though old Star Wars stories are called “Legends” now, some parts are still true. They bring back characters and stories that fit. This makes the story rich but still easy to follow.


The Star Wars stories have grown a lot. The movies are at the heart. But, we see more in books, shows, and games.

Lucasfilm made sure all these parts fit together. This makes the Star Wars world feel whole and true.

Star Wars will keep getting bigger. More stories and characters are on the way. Fans will always have new adventures to love.

This world is big and full of wonder. Thanks to the people at Lucasfilm and fans, it keeps growing. We know the story will keep feeling right. And we’ll keep finding new parts of this amazing galaxy.


Is The Last Jedi considered canon in the Star Wars universe?

Yes, The Last Jedi is part of the official Star Wars story. It’s the eighth in the Skywalker saga. Like the others, it’s a key part of the big Star Wars story.

What is the definition of “canon” in the Star Wars universe?

“Canon” in Star Wars means the true story. At first, it was just George Lucas’s movies. Now, it includes key books, shows, and more.

What are the different tiers of canon in the Star Wars universe?

There are different levels of canon in Star Wars. George Lucas’s movies and notes are at the top. Then come the books and more, then other stories that might not fit exactly.

Which Star Wars films are considered part of the official canon?

The three original films and the prequels are in the canon. So are the sequel movies. This makes nine films in total part of the official Star Wars story.The two standalone movies, Rogue One and Solo, are also part of the story.

What is the status of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (Legends)?

Before Disney, there were many books and comics outside the main movies. After Disney bought Lucasfilm, these stories became “Legends.” They’re not part of the current, official Star Wars story.Despite this, new stories have sometimes used ideas from “Legends.”

Are Star Wars TV shows and video games considered canon?

Yes, many TV shows and games are part of the real Star Wars story. The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Mandalorian are official. Upcoming shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor will also be in the story.Some video games, like Battlefront II and Jedi: Fallen Order, are part of the story too.

How did Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm impact the Star Wars canon?

When Disney got Lucasfilm in 2012, they made big changes. They started a new official Star Wars story. This left the old Expanded Universe as “Legends.” The goal was to make new Star Wars stories more organized.
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