Is Chewbacca’s Death Canon in Star Wars? Get the Facts

Is Chewbacca's death canon?

Many fans love the big furry Wookiee, Chewbacca, from Star Wars. They often wonder if he really dies in the Star Wars story. We will look into his fate, exploring different paths his story has taken. This includes both what’s called the ‘Legends’ story and the official ‘canon’ timeline.

In older Star Wars books, Chewbacca meets a sad end. But the newer movies keep him alive. We will talk about how this changes Chewbacca’s role in the Star Wars world. This article is for everyone, whether you have loved Star Wars for a long time or are just entering its amazing world.

Key Takeaways

  • Chewbacca’s death was a controversial plot point in the Star Wars Legends expanded universe.
  • The Star Wars sequels chose to spare Chewbacca, keeping him alive and avoiding the bizarre Legends death.
  • Chewbacca’s survival in the canon timeline is seen as a positive by many fans, preserving a beloved character.
  • The decision to reset the Star Wars canon was influenced by the need to simplify the complex and convoluted Legends storylines.
  • Balancing fan service with creative freedom has been a key challenge in shaping the new Star Wars canon.

The Controversial Chewbacca Death in Star Wars Legends

In the Star Wars Legends timeline, Chewbacca met a sad end in New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. He was with the Solos on a cargo run to the planet Sernpidal. They tried to save the people from a moon that the Yuuzhan Vong made crash into the planet.

Chewbacca’s Heroic Sacrifice to Save Anakin Solo

Chewbacca saved Anakin Solo by getting him on the Millennium Falcon. But, Chewbacca couldn’t get on due to strong winds. He died when the moon hit the planet. This event shocked many fans of the legendary Wookiee.

Han Solo’s Grief and Forgiveness

At first, Han Solo blamed Anakin for Chewbacca’s death. But, Han forgave his son later. To remember Chewbacca’s brave act, they carved his face on a big tree on Kashyyyk. It is a lasting memory of the heroic Wookiee warrior.

The Sequel Trilogy’s Treatment of Chewbacca

Chewbacca didn’t have the same fate in the Star Wars Legends as in the sequels. The sequels, including The Rise of Skywalker, chose not to kill the much-loved Wookiee. However, he faced a close call when Rey mistakenly blew up a ship she thought he was in.

Averting the Bizarre Legends Death

Many Star Wars fans were happy the sequels didn’t use the weird Legends story. In that story, Chewbacca died because a moon fell on him. Fans thought it was a silly part of the story and didn’t fit well with his character’s history.

Fans Appreciate Sparing Chewbacca

By keeping Chewbacca alive in the sequel trilogy, the makers showed they understood his role. Fans were glad about this. It meant they could still see Chewbacca with the new heroes and bad guys.

Is Chewbacca’s Death Canon?

Chewbacca has very different stories in the Star Wars Legends and the main stories. Can Chewbacca’s death be real in the main Star Wars? No, he’s still alive in the main Star Wars story. He didn’t die the strange way he did in the Star Wars Legends.

Chewbacca faced a big debate in the side stories. But, in the main Star Wars sequels, they let him live. So, Chewbacca stays as one of the few from the first movies, in the main story world.

Star Wars Legends Star Wars Canon
Chewbacca died in a sad way, with a moon falling on him on Sernpidal. Chewbacca didn’t die. So, in the main Star Wars, he’s alive.
Many found his death story hard to accept, from the side stories. The main Star Wars sequels didn’t let this happen to Chewbacca. They kept him safe.

The creators changed the Star Wars canon to be more new and free. Now, they don’t have to follow the strange fate Chewbacca faced in the side stories.


Chewbacca’s Near-Death Experience in The Rise of Skywalker

In The Rise of Skywalker, Chewbacca had a scary moment. He was thought to be on a ship that was blown up accidentally by Rey. Turns out, he was not there. Still, he was taken by the First Order.

Captured by the First Order

The First Order caught Chewbacca after he survived the explosion. It was a big danger for the friendly Chewbacca. The bad guys were trying to get rid of him. His friends worked hard to save him from this awful time.

Chewbacca: One of the Last Surviving Original Trilogy Characters

In The Rise of Skywalker, Chewbacca is one of the last from the original trilogy still alive. He keeps going while others like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia are gone. This makes us wonder about his future in Star Wars. He also carries on the legacy of the early films.

Chewbacca’s survival as an original trilogy character is very important. He links us to the start of the Star Wars story. His friendship with Chewbacca is well known and he is loved by fans of all ages. With fewer original characters around, Chewbacca’s role becomes even more vital.

Chewbacca could play a big part in future Star Wars tales. He has a lot of experience and connections to important stories. His bravery and skills could help the new heroes. As Star Wars goes on after the Skywalker saga, Chewbacca keeps the old and new stories together.

The Impetus for Star Wars Canon Reset

Leland Chee, a long-time Lucasfilm worker, thought killing off Chewbacca was a big problem. This happened in old Star Wars stories. These old stories were getting too complicated and hard to follow. Chewbacca’s strange death, caused by a moon falling, was one weird detail of many. Disney buying Star Wars gave a chance to clear these old stories. They could start new without these confusing parts.

Leland Chee’s Perspective

From Leland Chee’s point of view, starting over was a wise choice. He was in charge of keeping Star Wars stories in check. In the old Star Wars stories, Chewbacca’s death stood out. It made the stories hard to understand. This was a problem for both new and long-time fans.

Narrative Complications of the Expanded Universe

The Star Wars stories outside the movies had grown too big and hard to keep up with. There were too many plots and characters. Some of these stories didn’t match the main films well. Chewbacca dying by a falling moon is an example. This made it hard to connect all Star Wars stories. Starting over let them make a story that everyone could follow and enjoy.

Star Wars canon reset

The Absurdities of Star Wars Legends

The Star Wars expanded universe had many silly and strange stories. For example, there was a time when Luke Skywalker was cloned. His clone was used by the bad guys. There were many odd and complicated tales like this in the old stories. This is one reason they had to start over.

“Luuke” Skywalker and Other Bizarre Tales

One crazy story is about a Luke Skywalker clone known as “Luuke” Skywalker. The bad guys created and used him in their plans. This strange twist in the story shows how things became overly complex. It was so complicated that they had to reset the Star Wars stories.

Multiple Deaths of Major Characters

In these old stories, important characters died many times. For example, a Death Star designer died eight times. Even Emperor Palpatine died four times. These many deaths in the stories made things very confusing. This is another reason why the Star Wars stories were reset.

Balancing Fan Service and Creative Freedom

Star Wars canon got a reset by Disney. They needed to mix fan service and their creative freedom well. Disney kept some well-loved characters to please hardcore fans. For example, they saved Grand Admiral Thrawn for fans. He became part of the new Star Wars Rebels series easily.

Preserving Elements Like Grand Admiral Thrawn

Disney honored fan investment by including Thrawn. Thrawn was already loved from the old stories. This move let them keep the past alive while moving forward with new stories.

Respecting Hardcore Fans’ Investment

Yet, big changes made some fans feel left out. Fans who knew and loved the old stories felt this. Disney works hard to keep both old and new fans happy. It’s a tough balance they face for the Star Wars universe.


In the story of Chewbacca in Star Wars, two paths go. One path is in the Legends stories, and the other is in what is true now, called canon.

In the old stories, Chewbacca’s end was strange and not liked by all. But in the recent films, he still lives. This keeps him part of the beloved group from the first movies.

Making this choice was not easy. It had to make both long-time fans happy and allow new creativity. By choosing this path, the story of Star Wars was free to go ahead in new directions.

As fans, we are happy Chewbacca is still a big part of Star Wars. We look forward to seeing what comes next with this important character.


Is Chewbacca’s death canon in the Star Wars universe?

Chewbacca’s death is not real in the main Star Wars story. In old stories, he died while saving a friend. But, newer films let him live, so he’s still part of Star Wars.

What happened to Chewbacca in the Star Wars Legends timeline?

In one story, Chewbacca saved a friend but died himself. A big moon hit his planet, and he was gone instantly.

How did the Star Wars sequel trilogy handle Chewbacca’s fate?

The new movies changed his story to let him live. They didn’t make him die in a strange way. This kept Chewbacca in the Star Wars Universe.

Why did the Star Wars canon reset the expanded universe?

The Star Wars leaders were worried about too many hard stories. They thought killing Chewbacca was a sign things needed to change. Old stories just got too confusing.

What was the state of Chewbacca at the end of the Star Wars sequel trilogy?

By the end of the latest movie, Chewbacca is still alive. He went through a lot but came out okay. Fans now wonder what will happen next with Chewbacca.
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